Causal Rule Example

Tip Use these steps as a guideline for creating your own Causal Rules.

This example creates a Causal Rule that generates a new CardHealthProblem Parent Incident. It uses the traps described in the following table to determine the following:

• Whether there is a temperature problem or diagnostic failure for a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) Card module

• Whether the source of the problem is a fan, a power supply, or both.

Trap Descriptions
Trap Description
FruModuleStatusChange Indicates a temperature problem (14) or diagnostic failure (11) for the Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) card module
CiscoEnvMonFanNotification Physical Sensor object incident: Indicates the problem is related to a fan. The example Causal Rule uses this trap to obtain the name of the fan.
CiscoEnvMonSuppStatusChangeNotif Physical Sensor object incident: Indicates the problem is related to the Power Supply.

Using the Causal Rule described in this example, NNMi generates a new CardHealthProblem Parent Incident when NNMi determines the following:

  • The Source Object for the Child Incident is a Field Replaceable Unit (FRU) card.

    Note NNMi checks for the com.hp.nnm.capability.card.fru capability to determine whether the Source Object is an FRU card.

  • The FruModuleStatusChange trap returns a value of either 14 (temperature problem) or 11 (diagnostic failure).