Configure a Correlation Filter

Note See HelpDocumentation LibraryRelease Notes, and locate the Support Matrix link for Correlation Filter limitations.

When correlating groups of incidents under a Parent incident, you must specify the Correlation Filter that defines the relationship requirements that must be met before the incidents are correlated. The Correlation Filter tab enables you to use the Filter Editor to define these relationship requirements. See Valid Operators in the table that follows for examples of valid Correlation Filters.

See Correlation Rule Example for a step-by-step example of how the Subinterface Custom Correlation Rule provided by NNMi was created.

To configure a Correlation Filter:

  1. Navigate to the Correlation Rules tab.
  2. From the Correlation Rules table toolbar, do one of the following:
    • To create a Correlation Rule, click the New icon, and continue.
    • To edit a Correlation Rule, click the Open icon in the row representing the Correlation Rule you want to edit, and continue.
    • To delete a Correlation Rule, click the  Delete icon.
  3. Navigate to the Correlation Filter tab.
  4. Create your Correlation Filter (see Filter Editor Settings).

    Filter Editor Settings
    Setting Description

    The Attribute on which NNMi searches. See Valid Attributes below for a description of valid Attributes.

    Operator Use this Operator to establish the relationship between the Attribute and Expression. See Valid Operators in the table below for the description of each valid Operator.

    Use the Expression to complete the criteria for the required relationship between the parent and child incident configurations. See Valid Expressions below for more information.

  5. Click  Save and Close to save your changes and return to the previous form.

Valid Attributes
Attribute Description

The Attribute on which NNMi searches. Valid attributes other than Source Node attributes depend on the Incident's Source Object. NNMi checks the Source Node as well as the Source Object for any Capability value.

Note the following when specifying Attributes:

  • Boolean Attributes begin with "is" and must contain the value true or false.
  • Use the following syntax to specify a Custom Incident Attribute (CIA):


    • Check the appropriate Incident form for any valid CIA Names provided by NNMi.

      For example: ${valueOfCia(\Q.\E)}= 5

    • When specifying the <CIA_Name>, you can use the syntax defined for Java regular expressions. For example, use the following syntax to specify that you want to include any CIA Name that begins with . ${valueOfCia(\Q.\E.*)}
    • Enclose all CIA names using the \Q and \E characters so that NNMi correctly interprets the period character. For example: ${child.valueOfCia(\Qcia.address\E)}

      For more information, see the Pattern (Java Platform SE6) API documentation at:

  • If you use attributes that are valid for the Source Node, NNMi uses the Source Node when comparing values. If you use attributes that are valid for the Source Object, NNMi uses the Source Object when comparing values. You cannot use attributes that are valid for the Source Node and Source Object in the same filter.
  • When using attributes for a Source Object, note the following:

    • When using attributes for a Source Object, the attribute must be valid for the incident's Source Object or NNMi does not find a match. For example, if you use the hostedOn attribute and the Source Object is not an interface, the correlation does not occur.

      Tip To check a Source Object for an incident, select the incident of interest, then select Open from the Lookup menu for the Source Object, and examine the Source Object form.

    • SNMP Trap incidents only. NNMi does not find a match when the value for a Source Object is None. A Source Object attribute value of None indicates that NNMi cannot resolve the Source Object. If you want to match the incident, use one or more Source Node attributes.

  • If the incident does not have a Source Object, a Source Node, or both (for example, the node is not stored in the NNMi database), you must use CIAs in your filter rather than Source Object or Source Node attributes.

    Tip To check whether the Source Object or Source Node is stored in the NNMi database, open the incident and then select Open from the Lookup menu for the Source Node or Source Object displayed. If a form does not open for the selected object or node, this means the source is not stored in the NNMi database.

  • When specifying a Correlation Filter, precede the attribute name with either parent. or child. to specify from which incident the attribute value should be compared. For example, you might specify ${parent.hostedOn} or ${child.ifDesc}.

Possible Source Object choices are as follows:

Valid Operators
Operator Description

Finds all values equal to the value specified.


Finds all values not equal to the value specified.

< Finds all values less than the value specified.
<= Finds all values less than or equal to the value specified.
> Finds all values greater than the value specified.
>= Finds all values greater than or equal to the value specified.
is not null Finds all non-blank values.
is null Finds all blank values.

Finds matches using the syntax defined for Java regular expressions. See the Pattern (Java Platform SE6) API documentation at: for more information.

Note To include literal string values in the Value attribute, enclose the string value in \Q<literal_value>\E . 

The period asterisk (.*) characters mean any number of characters of any type at this location.

The period (.) character means any single character of any type at this location.

not like

Finds all matches that do not have the values specified using the syntax defined for Java regular expressions. See the Pattern (Java Platform SE6) API documentation at: for more information.

Note To include literal string values in the Value attribute, enclose the string value in \Q<literal_value>\E . 

The period asterisk (.*) characters mean any number of characters of any type at this location.

The period (.) character means any single character of any type at this location.

Valid Expressions
Attribute Description

The value or pattern for which you want NNMi to search.

Note the following:

  • The expression can include a valid Attribute.

  • The value or pattern you want to match is case sensitive.

  • When entering the value for ifSpeed, use the actual numeric value for the interface speed. For example, use 10000000 for ifSpeed 10 Mbps.