Delete a User Account

To deny a user's access to the NNMi console, delete their user configuration settings from the NNMi database.

Note Ignore this topic if NNMi is configured to access LDAP information for user group assignments. When NNMi is configured in that way, to disable a user's access to NNMi, you must use the appropriate process required by your environment's directory service software (see Lightweight Directory Access Protocol (LDAP) to Control NNMi Access and X.509 Certificates to Control NNMi Access).

Caution If you delete the last NNMi user assigned to the NNMi Administrators User Group, no one can access the Configuration workspace.

Tip NNMi administrators can also use the Security Wizard or command line to complete this task. See Create and Delete User Accounts Using the Security Wizard or nnmsecurity.ovpl.

To deny a user's access to NNMi:

  1. Select the row containing the User Account you want to delete.
  2. Click the  Delete icon.

    The user's configuration is automatically removed from the User Accounts view.

Note If you remove the User Account for a user who is currently signed into the NNMi console, the change does not take effect until the next time the user signs in. By default, the NNMi timeout limit is 18 hours. If a user has not signed out within 18 hours, NNMi forces the user to sign out. To change the Console Timeout value, see Configure the NNMi User Interface

Tip Access the Incident Browsing workspace. Open the All Incidents view. Sort this view using the Assigned To (AT) column. Reassign all Incidents associated with any user you deleted.