Custom Incident Attributes (CIAs) in Full URLs

There are a variety of methods to limit Launch Actions: Concept Link IconSee Also

Custom Incident Attributes (CIAs) are used to provide the following types of information within incidents:

To determine which group of CIAs is available for a specific incident-type (for example, CiscoLinkDown), navigate to an Incident view, double-click an instance of that incident-type to open the Incident form, and navigate to the Custom Attributes tab. The items listed in the table are the CIAs for that particular incident-type. For example, all CiscoLinkDown incidents would have the same group of CIAs shown in the illustration below.

To pass CIA data within the Full URL, type (or copy and paste) the exact text string from the Incident form, Custom Attribute tab, Name attribute value:


Place the CIA into a location in the Full URL that enables the result your want:

Note If the NNMi Web server uses the https protocol, use https instead of http.

http://<serverName>:<portNumber>/ <application>?<yourURLparameter1>= ${cias[name=<cia_name_1>].value}&<yourURLparameter2>= ${cias[name=<cia_name_2>].value}

Note If you copy/paste this URL, remove the spaces that were added for line-ending purposes in the documentation.

Note To extend the NNMi environment with additional applications, you must deploy them into a separate web-server or application-server on the same or different physical server from where the NNMi web-server or application-server is installed. See the Network Node Manager Developer Toolkit for more information.

<serverName> = the appropriate fully-qualified domain name

<portNumber> = the appropriate port number

Note If the CIA that you request in the Full URL does not exist for the selected Incident, the resulting URL passes an empty string.