Use > Access Device Details > IP Subnet Form

IP Subnet Form

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Subnet form.]

The IP Subnet form provides details about the selected subnet. Each IP Subnet represents an IP Subnet within a particular Tenant (that IPv4 Subnet definition independently applies to each Tenant).

If your role permits, you can add notes to communicate information about this subnet to your team.

For information about each tab: Concept Link IconSee Also

Basic Attributes
Attribute Description
Name Subnet in your network. This value is determined by the discovery process (calculated from IP Addresses and the subnet prefix information).
Prefix The value of the prefix for the current subnet (also known as the subnet address).
Prefix Length The number of significant bits in the subnet prefix. This value is used to determine the size of the subnet.

Tenants enable NNMi administrators to partition a network across multiple customers. The NNMi administrator controls the Tenant assignment for each Node.

A Tenant is the top-level organization to which a Node belongs.

Devices that belong to the Default Tenant can have Layer 2 Connections to any device in any Tenant. Devices within any Tenant other than Default Tenant can have Layer 2 Connections only to devices within the same Tenant or the Default Tenant.


(NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) The text you enter here is not sent from a Regional Manager (NNMi management server) to the Global Manager. NNMi administrators for the Global Manager can add notes that are stored in the NNMi database on the Global Manager.

Provided for network operators to use for any additional notes required to further explain the subnet. Information might include its use; for example, point to point for dialup. You might also use this attribute to track which geographical group might use the subnet.

Type a maximum of 1024 characters. Alpha-numeric, spaces, and special characters (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _+ -) are permitted.

You can sort your subnet table views based on this value. Therefore, you might want to include keywords for this attribute value.

IP Addresses Tab

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Subnet form, IP Addresses tab.]

The IP Subnet Form provides details about the selected subnet.

For information about each tabConcept Link IconSee Also

IP Addresses Table
Attribute Description

IP Addresses

Table view of the IP addresses associated with the selected subnet. You can use this table to determine the state, address, and interface, and parent node for each address associated with the selected subnet.

Double-click the row representing an IP address. The IP Address Form displays all details about the selected IP address.

Registration Tab

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Subnet form: Registration tab.]

The IP Subnet Form provides details about the subnet selected.

For information about each tabConcept Link IconSee Also

Registration Attributes
Attribute Description


Date and time the selected object instance was created. NNMi uses the locale of the client and the date and time from the NNMi management server.

This value does not change when a node is rediscovered. This is because the Node object is modified, but not created.

Last Modified

Date the selected object instance was last modified. NNMi uses the locale of the client and the date and time from the NNMi management server.

Note the following:

  • When a node is rediscovered, the Last Modified time is the same as the Discovery Completed time. This is because the node’s Discovery State changes from Started to Completed.
  • When a Node is initially discovered, the Last Modified time is slightly later than the Created time. This is because node discovery does not complete until after the Node is created.
Object Identifiers Attributes
Attribute Description


The Unique Object Identifier, which is unique within the NNMi database.


The Universally Unique Object Identifier, which is unique across all databases.