Use > Access Device Details > Layer 2 Connection Form > Layer 2 Connection Form: Incidents Tab

Layer 2 Connection Form: Incidents Tab

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Layer 2 Connection form, Incidents tab.]

The Layer 2 Connection Form provides details about a managed connection.

For information about each tab: Concept Link IconSee Also

Incidents Table
Attribute Description
Associated Incidents

Table view of the incidents associated with the selected Layer 2 Connection. NNMi displays only those incidents that have a Family attribute value of Connection.

Tip To check all Incidents related to the Interface on each end of the connection, navigate to the Layer 2 Connection Form: Interfaces Tab and open an Interface form. To check all incidents related to the Node, use the Hosted On Node attribute on the Interface form to open the Node form.

Examples of the incidents that might appear as Associated Incidents for Layer 2 Connections include the following:

Associated Incidents are sorted by creation time so that you can view the incidents in chronological order. Use this view to determine which incidents are still open for the selected connection.

Double-click the row representing an incident. The Incident Form displays all details about the selected incident. Navigate to the Incident Form: Correlated Children Tab and Incident Form: Correlated Parents Tab to check for any correlated incidents that are associated with the interfaces and nodes on each end of the connection.