Administer > Configure Incidents > Manage Incidents Using Incident Configurations > About Custom Incident Attributes for an Incident

About Custom Incident Attributes for an Incident

[This is the context-sensitive help for the Interface Settings form. This topic is intentionally NOT in the TOC.]

The Custom Incident Attributes (CIAs) form enables you to specify additional CIAs to be saved with an incoming incident. You can then use this information to enhance the incident. For example, the information might be added to the incident message or used to customize a severity for a particular CIA value.

When creating a CIA for an incident configuration, you can specify any of the following values:

  • Custom Attribute on the source node
  • Custom Attribute on the interface (source object)

You also specify the Custom Incident Attribute name that will store this information.

You can provide the required information within the following contexts:

Configure Custom Incident Attributes to Enrich an Incident Configuration (Interface Settings) (SNMP Trap Incidents)

"Configure Custom Incident Attributes to Enrich an Incident Configuration (Interface Settings) (Management Events)"

"Configure Custom Incident Attributes to Enrich an Incident Configuration (Interface Settings) (Syslog Message)()"