Load MIBs

Prerequisite: NNMi requires that a MIB File first be uploaded onto a specific directory on the NNMi management server. See Upload MIB Files for NNMi's Use.

NNMi automatically stores a set of MIB files on the NNMi management server during installation. These files are located in the following directory (see Manage environment variables):





To view the list of MIB Files currently loaded on the NNMi management server, use the Loaded MIBs View.

To enable NNMi's use of a MIB file, do one or more of the following:

To unload a MIB file, see Unload MIBs or use the nnmloadmib.ovpl command.

Tip If you are using MIBs to create MIB Expressions for Custom Poller, also see Enable or Disable Custom Poller and Create a Custom Poller Collection. If you are using MIBs to create Graphs, see Configure SNMP Line Graph Actions.