Scale Background Images in Node Group Maps

Scale a specified background image for a Node Group Map using the Background Image Scale attribute. See Define Node Group Map Settings for more information.

When you use the maps provided by NNMi, it is recommended that you initially use the default value of 1.0 for the Background Image Scale.

When you use your own images for map backgrounds and you are selecting a scale value, consider the following:

  • NNMi renders its nodes 50 by 50 pixels. This means if your image is 500 pixels wide, there is room for 10 nodes across the image.
  • To display the image at normal resolution, enter a scale value of 1.0. (This means no scaling occurs.)
  • After the image displays on the map, look at the relationship between the node size and the background to determine whether you need to rescale the background image:

    • If the nodes look too large compared to the background, enlarge the image using a scale value greater than 1.0.
    • If the nodes look too small compared to the background, make the image smaller using a scale value less than 1.0.