Troubleshoot URLs When Specifying a Background Image

This topic contains troubleshooting steps to use if your background image does not display.

If you used a relative URL (beginning with a slash (/) in the Background Image attribute value:

  1. Copy and paste the URL to a browser.
  2. Insert http://<serverName>:<portNumber> in front of the slash (/).

    Note If the NNMi Web server uses the https protocol, use https instead of http.

    <serverName> = the fully-qualified domain name of the NNMi management server (values allowed here are determined by the Enable URL Redirect setting in User Interface Configuration, see Configure the NNMi User Interface)

    <portNumber> = the NNMi HTTP port number

If you used an absolute URL (beginning with http://) in the Background Image attribute value:

Copy and paste the URL to a browser.