Administer > Discover your network > Configure Discovery > Configure Unnumbered Interface Node Groups

Configure Unnumbered Interface Node Groups

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Discovery Config: Unnumbered Interface Node Group form.]

Unnumbered interface connectivity involves querying routing tables, which can generate a lot of network traffic when the routing tables are large. The steps described in this topic can also be accomplished using the nnmunnumberedcfg.ovpl command-line tool.

(NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) When using NNMi's Global Network Management feature, remember the following:

  • Node Group definitions for the NNMi Global Manager and each NNMi Regional Manager are independent of each other. Each NNMi server can have its own definition for each Node Group name. Node Group definitions are not replicated from Regional Managers to the Global Manager, see Create Node Groups. To easily share your Node Group definitions, see Export and Import Configuration Settings.

  • If Discovery and Monitoring of unnumbered interfaces is enabled, each designated unnumbered interface's form will display the Custom Attributes tab: Custom Attribute: UnnumberedNextHop. This Custom Attribute can be replicated from NNMi Regional Managers to the NNMi Global Manager (Global Manager: Configure Custom Attribute Replication). See the information about Custom Attribute: UnnumberedNextHop in Custom Interface Attribute Samples.

To configure Unnumbered Interface discovery for a Node Group:

  1. Complete all prerequisites. See Prerequisites for discovery, Concept Link IconSee Also.
  2. Specify which Node Group (see the table).
  3. Optional. Provide one or more subnet IP Address Ranges to limit the scope of network traffic required for Unnumbered Interface discovery (see Configure Unnumbered Interface Subnets).
  4. Click  Save and Close to return to the Discovery Configuration form.
  5. Click  Save and Close. Spiral Discovery implements your changes during the next regularly scheduled discovery interval.
  6. Verify that the Unnumbered Interface feature is enabled: Configure Layer 2 Connection Source
  7. (NNMi Advanced - Global Network Management feature) On each Regional Manager, consider creating an Interface Group based on the Custom Attribute: UnnumberedNextHop and monitoring that Interface Group (Interface Settings for Monitoring):

Unnumbered Interface Node Group Definition
Attribute Description
Node Group

Click the Lookup icon and do one of the following:

  • Select  Quick Find to select the Node Group you want to use.
  • Select New to create a new Node Group definition. See Create Node Groups.