Administer > Discover your network > Configure Discovery > Configure Subnet Connection Rules

Configure Subnet Connection Rules

[This is the Context-Sensitive Help topic for the Discovery Config: Subnet Connection Rules form]

NNMi uses Subnet Connection Rules to detect connections between interfaces associated with IP addresses that do not respond to Layer 2 discovery protocols (see the list of Topology Source protocols in Layer 2 Connection Form). Subnet Connection Rules take priority over the Layer 2 discovery protocol results. For special cases, you can override a Subnet Connection Rule by using the Connection Editor command line tool, see nnmconnedit.ovpl for more information.

NNMi provides a variety of predefined Subnet Connection Rules.

Subnet Connection Rules are ideal for multiple situations. For additional details and examples of how Subnet Connection Rules work, see Consider IP Subnet Connection Rules.

When Spiral Discovery detects a subnet, NNMi uses the matching Subnet Connection Rule to request information about all possible IPv4 addresses (potentially detecting previously undiscovered IPv4 addresses). NNMi checks the Excluded IP Addresses list. Any addresses in the list are dropped (for details, see Configure an Excluded IP Addresses filter). Then NNMi creates connections among any interfaces associated with any newly discovered IP addresses.

If important subnets in your network environment are not automatically connected by Spiral Discovery, edit a Subnet Connection Rule or create your own.

If you configure a Subnet Connection Rule, the rule independently applies to each Tenant. The members of Subnets must be unique Tenant/Node pairs (each Node assigned to only one Tenant). A Subnet Connection Rule can establish a link between the Default Tenant and another Tenant. However, links between two Tenants are not permitted unless one of them is the Default Tenant. See Configure tenants.

To configure Subnet Connection Rules:

  1. Complete all prerequisites. See Prerequisites for discovery, Concept Link IconSee Also.
  2. Provide the required basic settings (see Basics table).
  3. Provide the Subnet Connection behavior settings for this rule (see Details table).
  4. Click  Save and Close to return to the Discovery Configuration form.
  5. Click  Save and Close to apply the configuration. Spiral Discovery implements your changes during the next regularly scheduled discovery interval. If more than two nodes are connected using this rule, NNMi uses the following icon to indicate this special connection on maps (see example in Consider IP Subnet Connection Rules):

    icon (in prior NNMi releases the icon)

    If you double-click the icon, the Layer 2 Connection Form displays and the Topology Source value is SUBNETCONNECTION.

Basics for this Subnet Connection Rule
Task How

Type a meaningful name for this Subnet Connection Rule. Alpha-numeric and special characters (~ ! @ # $ % ^ & * ( ) _+ -) are permitted. No spaces are permitted.

Note This name is prepended to the Layer 2 connection name (when you request Tool Tips information about the connection on the Layer 2 Neighbor View map). If a subnet matches more than one rule, NNMi randomly chooses from among the matching rules.


If enabled , NNMi uses the Subnet Connection Rule to create connections between interfaces associated with the IP addresses within the specified subnets.

If disabled , NNMi ignores the Subnet Connection Rule.

Details for this Subnet Connection Rule

Task How
Minimum Prefix Length

Specify the minimum prefix length (subnet mask length) for the subnet where you want Spiral Discovery to create Layer 2 Connections. Spiral Discovery creates connections between interfaces associated with IP addresses (IPv4 or IPv6) that have subnet prefix lengths equal to or greater than the specified value and meet the other specified criteria.

Valid Minimum IP Prefix Length Values Number of Usable IP Addresses
28 14 (16-2=14)*
29 6 (8-2=6)*
30 2 (4-2=2)*
31 2
127 2

* Two IP addresses are reserved in each subnet. The first IP address is used for the network itself and the last IP address is reserved for broadcast.

Note A prefix length shorter than 32 is used only for IPv4 subnets and a prefix length longer than 32 is used only for IPv6 subnets.

ifType Optional. Use this Interface MIB variable as an additional filter to identify the types of interfaces to include when creating the subnet connections. For example, if you want connections only between Frame Relay interfaces, select frameRelay as the ifType.

Optional. Use this Interface MIB variable as an additional filter to identify the interfaces to include when creating the subnet connections. This attribute is useful if you have a naming convention that is used to identify a set of interfaces. For example, lan0.

Maximum 255 characters. The following wildcard characters are permitted: asterisk (*) represents any string, and question mark (?) represents a single character.


Optional. Use this Interface MIB variable as an additional filter to identify the interfaces to include when creating the subnet connections. For example, you might want to select a particular set of interfaces that have the same vendor description.

Maximum 255 characters. The following wildcard characters are permitted: asterisk (*) represents any string, and question mark (?) represents a single character.


Optional. Use this Interface MIB variable as an additional filter to identify the interfaces to include when creating the subnet connections. This attribute is useful if you have an alias naming convention that is used to identify a set of interfaces. For example, Connection to remote store in Hawaii.

Maximum 255 characters. The following wildcard characters are permitted: asterisk (*) represents any string, and question mark (?) represents a single character.